"Italy: New Tactics and Organization", Radical America, Vol. V, No. 5, September-October 1971. Copied to clipboard Attachments ItalyNewTactics&Organization.pdf (1.83 MB) Italy Lotta Continua operaismo Radical America Dan Georgakas Potere Operaio Comments
The Magneti Marelli Workers Committee - the "Red Guard" tells its story (Milan, 1975-78) - Emilio Mentasti This remarkable book about one of the high points of workers' struggles in Italy …
Italy 1980-81: After Marx, jail! The attempted destruction of a communist movement - Red Notes Red Notes' pamphlet charting the repression of Italy's 1970s extraparliamentary…
External and internal militants: Workers autonomy in Porto Marghera seen from West Germany 1971-1974 - Karl-Heinz Roth A text describing the relationship between the struggles and ideas of the workers…
Alfredo Bandelli (1945-1994), proletarian singer-songwriter of the Italian autonomist movement Biography of Alfredo Bandelli, a working class militant and songwriter whose songs…
Fighting For Feminism: The Womens Question in an Italian Revolutionary Group A set of letters from the Lotta Continua newspaper discussing the relationship between feminism,…
Organizing for workers' power - Adriano Sofri An article on Leninism and vanguardism written in 1968 for the local Potere Operaio group of Pisa.